Mahashakti Foundation was established under the Indian Trust Act – 1882, thereby starting its operations on the 19th Oct 2004 in Madanpur Rampur, in the Kalahandi district of Odisha. A professionally managed and operated organization, it has its genesis from from CASHE project of CARE India and DFID (Govt. of UK) to promote sustainable rural livelihoods of the poor. Conceptualized as a Social development organization, it provides a range of services to the “poor and downtrodden communities” and works towards improvement in livelihood development, health, education, agriculture, renewable energy, micro insurance, sustainable community development, sanitation, organic farming, housing and micro credit. Committed towards bringing a qualitative and quantitative change in the lives of common households, it is presently operational in 8 districts and 20 project locations. (branches), predominantly in western and southern Odisha. With a professional, dedicated and growing work force of 200 staff members Mahashakti is committed towards making a marked change in the livelihood and its sustainability of the poor and deprived lot in the rural belt.