1/5th – 20 % of world's population are lives on less than USD 1.25 / day i.e. INR 83.40. They are often called ultra-poor – due to Lack capital,assets, skills,food, Accees to services,credits,capacity to start enterprises,repay loans,send Children into schools etc. Graduation approach is taken by Some big organisations in different Countries - Bangladesh, India, Ethipia, Ghana, Honduras, Pakisthan and Peru. The main focus of the Targetting Hard Core Poor (THP) is enabling the hardcore poor and disadvantaged for qualitative changes in their lives through economic services. It has been proved by different organizations in different parts of the globe that through economic services, qualitative changes in the lives of the hardcore poor is possible. The amount of work done by Bandhan with the support of USAID in the state like Odisha opened the eyes of many organizations and development professionals that economic services by providing productive assets as well user friendly technical support brought considerable amount of improvements in the lives of the poor households. Seeing the success of THP program of Bandhan, top management of Mahashakti Foundation after rounds of discussion decided to learn the project processes and modalities and to start this program in the poor and LWE Districts of Odisha i.e. Kalahandi and Rayagada. The target households of this program are the households who do not have stable income, productive assets and limited access to entitlements. At the same time one of the family members should have interest to undertake income generating activity.
Expected Output
The proposed project staff achieved skill and capacity to scale up the project 90% of the households supported will be able to increase their income and household enterprise.
The households supported will be linked to socio-economic mainstream.
Project Goal
The Collaborative partnership is aimed at scaling up non-profit efforts to help lift the 600 poorest and marginalised women in the state from extreme poverty and making them financially secure.