Safe sanitation & Financial Inclusion project provides quality and affordable health and safe sanitation services to clients and mainstream them with the financial inclusion process. For sanitation to have an impact on health, sanitation should be safe and be coupled with good hygienic practices around use of the sanitation assets
The health impact of sanitation further more depends on concentration of sanitation, or pockets of density in this project.
This project is supported by FINISH Society of India, Access Development Services and RWS&S, Kalahandi. The project operated from1st July 2014 till 30th May 2016 with target construction of 10,000 safe sanitation systems in 19 GP s of M. Rampur, Karlamunda and Norla Block in Odisha.
Some of the major activities carried out during this project are Baseline Survey, Staff Orientation on Safe Sanitation, Selection of Mason’s, Capacity Building to staff and Masson, Staff review meeting.