Mr. Jugal Kishore Pattnayak
Managing Director
Mr. Pattnayak is the co- founder of Mahashakti Foundation, a first growing livelihood promoting institution in Odisha. He is a pioneer in financial inclusion through livelihood financing in one of the poorest regions of the globe i.e. KBK districts of Odisha, India. As a Social Entrepreneur, Mr. Pattnayak has immensely contributed towards the development of impoverished section of the society, associating with multilateral agencies like UNICEF, DFID, Oxfam and CARE, in the last two decades. He developed his close association and inclination to the financial inclusion and development sector when he was working as a team leader in the CARE CASHE (Credit and Savings for House hold Enterprise) Project of CARE (DFID Supported) between 2000-2006. He is a post graduate in Political Science and Rural Management from Bhanja Bihar, Berhampur University. He holds a diploma in microfinance from Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Pune, and also has a Certificate in microfinance from the prestigious Boulder Institute of Microfinance, USA. Mr. Pattnayak is a seasoned professional and thorough expert in the field of livelihood and cluster development, managing institutional relationships, technical assistance on SHG promotion, community based institution building and their strengthening.