Mr. Mohan Baliyarsingh
Mr. Baliyarsingh to his credit has more than 2 decades of experience and expertise in the field of livelihoods promotion and microfinance operations. He has served in different national level institutions like, Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi, CARE India (CASHE Program), ACCION International and ACCESS Development Services in different capacities. A major part of his career has been devoted towards management of Microfinance Projects and training programs on various facets of Microfinance including financial literacy trainings. He has immensely contributed towards development of audio, video, pictorial presentations, training materials, tips for trainers on Financial Literacy and SHG-Federation Management in English, Hindi and Odia languages. His close association and handholding support created a no. of successful and replicable community managed organizations and Microfinance Institutions in Odisha. He holds a Post-Graduation Diploma in Management from Bhanja Bihar, Berhampur University and Post-Graduation in History from Utkal University.